Dental Implant FAQ

A set of dental implants.

What is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a medical device that is placed surgically in the bone of the maxilla or the mandible to provide support, retention and stability to a dental restoration that can be a single crown, a bridge, a partial denture or a complete denture.


Benefits of Dental Implants?

Dental implants have so many advantages such as

  • Help replace missing teeth with an implant and crown
  • Provide better support, retention and stability to the dental prosthesis (Dentures)
  • Improve function and chewing ability


How long does a dental implant last?

Dental implants and implant supported crowns have a good prognosis in terms of providing good aesthetics and function. It is important to understand that it is your responsibility to maintain good oral hygiene and ensure regular maintenance with your dentist.

Dental work like any mechanical system will not last indefinitely, and as such, will require regular maintenance and follow up care. This is accomplished by way of adjustments, and revisions over time.


What are “teeth-in-a -day”?

Usually in dental implant dentistry, the dental implant is surgically placed and then we wait 4-6 months for implant-bone integration so we can put a crown on the implant but “TEETH-IN-A-DAY” is a procedure where a dental implant is placed surgically and a crown is placed immediately in the same day. There are certain criteria that need to be fulfilled for this procedure to be predictable and successful. If you have a missing tooth and interested in having it replaced with “teeth-in-a-day”, come see us for free consultation to ensure that you are a good candidate for this option.


What is “all on four implants”?

“All on four implants” is a treatment option for completely edenlouse patients who are no longer interested in a removable denture. In this case, four implants are surgically placed to support a full arch fixed prosthesis. If you are wearing a complete denture and interested in having it replaced with “all on four implants”, come see us for free consultation to ensure that you are a good candidate for this option.


Am I a good candidate for dental implants?

In general, everyone can be a good candidate for dental implants but we need to have proper assessment of your medical history and dental status to assure that you are a good candidate for dental implants and to have the proper dental care.

If you are interested or you have more questions regarding dental implants, book a consultation with our doctors to learn more and assess your eligibility.
